In almost every industry we’re competing with someone. If you’re a president of a company you have other businesses that do something similar to you. If you’re a real estate agent, you have other real estate agents that compete with what you do. The same goes if you’re a musician or an artists.
The point is that there is competition in every industry but somehow you want to stand out from the crowd and from the competition.
Have you ever heard that people buy from who they like, from who they know and who they tend to respect? So how do you become that person in your industry?
The most successful people are more than what they do for work. You are not just a president, a real estate agent, an artist, a doctor. In most cases, you are also connected to your community, you’re a volunteer, a board member, an entrepreneur, an investor, a blogger, a podcaster, a cancer survivor, a family member and maybe even a parent.
There was a time that we separated our personal and business worlds but due mostly to social media, those two worlds have closed in on each other. Today, we need to control the conversation of who you are before it gets away from you.
But, how do we control that conversation when we do so many things? How do we tell others, WHO ARE YOU?
Welcome to the Personal Branded Hub. This branded hub takes your online presence into a new level because it brings together all of you are into one place, your personal branded hub. This hub connects to your business profile on your website, it connects to the company you represent as an independent contractor, it connects to a non-profit organization that you support, it connects to your side-hustles, to who you are as a family member and so much more.
It tells the story of WHO YOU ARE which has become so important to someone choosing to do business with you or your competition. Unless the company you have is a well known brand like Samsung, Google, Apple no one really cares. They care to connect with the person who represents the company because it’s with them that they will actually do business with.
At this moment, there are only a few people actively investing in creating their own personal brand. The rest of us are just watching from a far as this trend begins to become mainstream, just like when we though that MySpace was the social media of the future, then suddenly Facebook reigned supreme.
Our recommendation is, don’t be MySpace. Don’t just stand by while others figure out that people are BRANDS, people buy from people not companies.
We’re excited to be one of the first companies to understand this concept and we’re beginning to help other people create a Personal Branded Hub that helps them stand out from the competition.
We invite you to take a closer look at our Personal Branded Hub Service and if you’re still not sure where to begin we invite you to have a Discovery Strategy Session with us.
My name is Jose Rosa. I’m the owner of Speyre Network and several other businesses and projects. I’ve been in the marketing and digital marketing space for over 25 years and want to provide you with as much insight that I can through my blogs and email newsletters.
You can easily sign-up to the Speyre Network publication below. It helps keep you and your marketing team in the know.
I also run and online blog called Today with Jose, where I am building a platform to help keep business owners informed about digital marketing and also help support and share my cancer journey.