Video Podcasting

$1,450.00 / month and a $1,950.00 sign-up fee

This Video Podcasting Program is partially managed and includes:

  • A strategy session that will dive deep into what is your content, what do you wish to share and help create a content calendar.
  • The building and updating of a podcast website
  • The creation of a weekly podcast series
  • Weekly video editing and posting of podcast shorts
  • Create an email capture system and email automation.
  • Create a monthly email update publication for connecting with your customers

Many of the tasks above are taught and assigned to you, as this is not a FULLY managed marketing system.



During the course of 12 months we will work on building you a video podcasting strategy. This strategy will help organize your content ideas, help setup the equipment, develop a marketing strategy, edit your content for short form platforms and identify areas in which to find streams of revenue for your video podcast.

The process begins with a strategy session that will dive deep into what is your content, what do you wish to share and help create a content calendar. It will also help create a road map to revenue.

We’ll help build your equipment list and build your recording schedule. Edit and help build your video on social platforms.

We will also build a podcast website and update your website to coincide with the launch of each episode.

The website will also be configured with the goal to build your email list and automation will be created.

This is a PARTIALLY Managed system that will teach you how to perform many of the tasks needed to help keep the monthly cost down. A FULLY Managed system can also be made available.